




Join Red Caboose in making quality child care affordable and accessible to all.


Every child deserves an equal opportunity to thrive. Every parent deserves the ability to fully engage in their personal and professional lives. Yet child care is bigger than the families who rely on it. We all feel the effects of our nation’s fragile child care system in our community, our workforce, and our economy.

For over 50 years, Red Caboose’s affordable, high-quality child care has helped Madison boost its economy and workforce, strengthen diversity and inclusion, and bridge gaps to essential services.

What sets Red Caboose apart:

  • Oldest independent child care center in Madison
  • Staff retention among the highest in the industry
  • 5-star rating from YoungStar, Wisconsin’s child care quality rating and improvement system
  • Wraparound services to meet educational, health, emotional, and social needs
  • City of Madison Child Care Accreditation





Donations to the Scholarship Fund provide sliding-scale tuition and $50,000 in scholarships annually.

Red Caboose has awarded almost $500,000 in scholarships, providing tuition support for 80% of children.

A Unique Partnership: Accessible Housing & Inclusive Child Care

This new development includes Red Caboose Child Care, where children have a safe, modern space to thrive. Additionally, Movin’ Out will provide safe, affordable, multi-family apartments that include supportive units for people with disabilities.



Come see for yourself!

You don’t need to bring a child to our new location to see firsthand how Red Caboose offers Madison more than just child care.